This is one of my favorite photos, it hangs on the wall of my living room, right beside the 11X14's of my kids.
The photo is part of a series of photos that I took of a fife and drum group called The Colonial Boys at a Memorial Day celebration held at the town cemetary.
The group has been performing for over 50 years. I remember trying to find their WEB site ...there is none, then I Google'd the name ...no listings. Now that's frustrating.
So on the Fourth of July there they were again, marching in the parade. So I gave them some of the photos that I had taken of them and asked if they wanted more taken. "Maybe, ... but probably not"
It's funny, they've never called. I think they say what they want to with their presence at town events and that's enough.
Patriotism is a quiet thing. Kind of like one's religion. Some stand on the street corners with your American flag ties and tell the world how patriotic they are ...while othere just stand with their flags and be proud.
I like this photo, it hangs in my living room, right next to the 11x14s of my kids