Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Ray Ray
Thursday, October 26, 2006

And parents wonder why the kids stuff as much candy as they can into their bodies before they get home from Halloweening.
Come to think of it, I used to eat a one pound chocolate Easter Bunny before church ... no wonder I felt so sick
Soon the stores will be in the holiday spirit. Stay happy and forget all your troubles
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Look behind
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Two People that I Admire

My children were born considerate and caring. But after all they are brother and sister, so publicly they hate each other. But without any fanfare they are persuing their careers. My son (the hockey player/teacher/science wiz) is in grad school studying to be a nurse practitioner and my daugher (the actress/hockey player/redhead) is in Europe studying acting.
Do it without a fanfare. That's what they taught me. Make a difference, persue your dreams, give a gift that is so deeply special that the recipient is speechless. The fanfare is such a waste of time and energy. All it gets you is false adoration. which is something both of them steer clear of.
I hope that the fanfare finds them, I'd like them to have it all. The money, the fame, the cover of Newsweek. But they'll avoid the press conference I'll bet.
Monday, October 23, 2006
A Race for the Cure
Recently I was asked to photograph the Susan B Komen - Race for a Cure which was held at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. It's a 3K road race where the focus is on raising the awareness of breast cancer.
After picking up my official tee shirt, I headed to the survior's tent. The closer I got, the more excited I felt ...there was a familar smell in the air ...Coffee ...Starbucks coffee. This was going to be a good day! Wait a minute, I wasn't there for the coffee...OK, I'll just have a cup (or three) and then get back to work. Which I did.
As I was walking around the tent I saw such a sea of pink. Hats, wigs and of course the pink tee shirts worn by the survivors. I came across this couple. He was pinning on her number for the race and they were laughing a bit because he was doing such a bad job.
After talking with them for a few minutes about the day and the cause, and the coffee... I said that I had to get going and I told the woman that I hope she wins ... with out missing a beat, the husband leaned over to his wife and giving her a hug said.."We already did"...
and that was the last time I made that mistake ...that day anyway
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Nikon Hat
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Grace is a lost art. But this is it.
It's quiet and slow,
and soft and comforting
and calming.
Grace makes us strong because it takes the time to tell us
to be kind and caring.
Grace is such a lost art.
Make grace ... not war
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Roses are red and pink and blue

I still have them. Each day they wither a bit more.
I'm doing what I can to keep them alive, but I'm not God you know.
Roses are red and pink and white and blue. And like us all, one day they will die.