I volunteered to take photos at the Matt Brown Gala Event ( gala = costs a lot to get in... ). Matt is a Norwood (MA) High School ice hockey player that was paralyzed during a game a few months ago. This event was set up to raise much needed funds for his hospital costs.
Lots of sports and political celebrities were expected to attend the gala . So I told the event committee that I would set up a booth and take shots of the celebs with their fans and print them on the spot as a fundraising effort. This was well received and I was in.
That night as I'm driving to the venue it hits me ... What if no celebs are willing to stand there (in my booth) for pictures with their fans ? I'll just be standing there ... alone ... in my booth !
Upon my arrival to the venue I am escorted to my area and told "OK Dan, we'll start with Ray Bourque and then other celebs will come by during the night" ... Well OK, ( I said to myself) this is going to be great!

Ray Bourque showed up right on schedule ... they announced from the stage that Ray is in MY booth and the people lined up for a photo with Ray ... over a hundred people are in line within a few minutes ... YES! Did I mention that this was my booth? A couple hours pass and I'm still shooting photos of fans with Ray. I'm thinking that any celebs that might be in the area can't even get close to my booth, that is unless they want to pay for a photo with Ray ... HA!
Then I'm told that Mike Eruzione ( Captain of the 1980 USA Olympic Ice Hockey team ... the Miracle ) is standing on the sidelines and he can take over for Ray and the shooting just continues,
Look at poor Mike in this image ... posing with fans is hard work!

Between these two sports legends we raised thousands of dollars for Matt's fund ... This was a great night.
I was so thankful for their participation. You see, they know (as ice hockey players) that what happened to Matt can happen to any player.
Click on the link below to see a video/slideshow of the images.
Matt Brown Gala - Celebrity Photos with Fans