There are songs and stories and sonnets about why we do things in life - what drives us.
To be candid, compliments are rarely the reason. I think that teachers will tell you that seeing a former student become successful is a huge reward and it validates the passion they have for teaching.
For me - photography is my passion. I know that I shoot more looks than the seniors expect because I want to capture who they are and what they will become. - Confident, strong, flirty and funny.
Senior sessions capture a
milestone in one's life. Too often Parents and their Seniors see it as
just another portrait session - when in reality it is a celebration of
the journeys they have been on and the one they are still living.
In the
blink of an eye, these Seniors will have children of their own and
their lives will be dedicated to guiding their journeys. They will look
back at this time - [senior year, dating, school work, school
activities, graduation, leaving for college, etc] - and try to remember.
It's a blur for them right now and the images from their senior
session look just like "pictures" that were taken on that day - but one
day, when things slow down a bit .... maybe they'll be on the train,
commuting to work or watching their child sleep in their crib and the
images will be like gold.
Jared will be a senior at Walpole High School in Walpole MA fall and after years of playing football - Jared will be the school's quarterback.
So I thought for sure that football defined who he was. I suggested that we do the shot - with his gear, holding a football with that "I'm gonna kick your a**" look in his eyes.
But I was actually pleasantly surprised when he told me that football is his passion ... well one of them, but that it did not define his life.
Jared will be going to nursing school after he graduates. He knows that there is a need for him to help others. He has his eye on traveling to third world countries and using his medical skills to save lives.
Jared is a leader both on and off the football field.
And as for that "I'm gonna kick your a**" pose? Well you know I'm going to get that shot, even if Jared isn't in his gear!
Danielle's ( Dani) senior session was shot entirely in her backyard. When her Mom (Wanda - one of my favorite ladies) asked me to do it at their house - all I could think of was "OK, we'll shoot by the bush and then by the tree and ... then were done ... HA!"
When I got to the house we took a walk around the back yard and I was wrong, there were lots of places to shoot and I was a happy camper.
And Dani had picked out some nice clothes to wear, and the fact that we were at her house made it so easy to make some quick changes.
The pink jeans and high heels were a great idea - and one that I had to capitalize on! Because sometimes it really is all about the shoes!
But the real story about this day is focused on family and the way the Wood family care about each other. The way that they are so comfortable with each other and themselves. 
"Of all the gin joints in all the world" ... Tony had to walk into Cleo's!
Yes Anthony and Cleopatra ... Greece and Rome came together in this romantic romp as told by the bard William Shakespeare and performed by the Medfield Gazebo Players.
I was just there to see the show, but I knew that this performance was going to be interesting so I brought my camera.
This group does such a good job, the sound, costumes and performances were really nice. I knew a number of the actors and I know how hard they worked on this performance.
The weather report was for rain - but not until later - so the performance was held outside.
Well they almost got the whole thing in, but just before Cleo has her great dying scene the thunder sounded, the skies opened up and I made a beeline, with camera safely inside my shirt, for the dryness of my car.
So I guess that I'll never know if Cleo and this play have a tragic end. ... oh she does? (HA!)
Cam is the "Man with a Horn". Music is a big part of his high school life, but it doesn't define him.

I was looking forward to this session for a number of reasons. Of course because Cam would be bringing his trumpet and I knew that we could work that into some interesting images but also because we be doing some family portraits before his session.
The day of the session it was raining, but I knew that Cam's Sister would be leaving to go back to college the next day, so we were going to do this session!
This meant that we'd be doing the "umbrella dance" for all of the location shots ("OK, hold the umbrellas over you until I'm ready ... OK drop them! ... snap!" ) ... and even with my best intentions there are still a ton of shots with nice big water marks. Photoshop ... on deck.
Cam has the best sense of humor, he was laughing most of the time, so I had to work hard for the serious poses. But when they worked, they really worked and we had an awesome session.
Caitlin has an attitude and I don't think that she wants anyone to know what it is ... HA! It's that smile that could be a smirk that kind of adds to the mystery.
We just photographed her Senior portraits, had a great time and captured some awesome images.
All I had to do was say " OK Caitlin, now lets go over by that wall ... or door or tree .. or elevator for our next shot" ... and Bam! she had a great pose.
I think that I'm the one getting an attitude. I'm starting to think that I can pose you telepathically!
Caitlin is hoping to major in Physics in college. Wish her well!
The simple innocent faces that Children make have a way of stopping me in my tracks when I am photographing an event.
And they get my undivided attention ... and more that a few photographs.
Normally it's best when they are not posing for me, but just loving the attention and laughing as I snap off a few .. OK, a dozen quick shots of them.
It's usually not until I get back to my office that I see that magic that I have captured.
Too bad that the innocence leaves us.
I could have titled this one "Twins". But I think "best friends" might be also accurate. Tom and Chris have known each other from before they were born . [yes, a bad attempt at humor]
I photograph the theatrical productions at their school so over the past few years I've noticed them in the productions ... first in the back and then slowly moving into parts that had more and more lines.
I've photographer twins before but let me tell you, that stuff you hear about a secret language between twins ... and telepathy is all true! HA!
During the session I'd be photographing one I could swear that they were communicating. And both guys have such great senses of humor. It was so much fun to do this session.
Of course the back-to-back with sunglasses shot was my idea, but the sunglasses that they picked - and these were some of the most outrageous ones that I have - made the shot!
I'm doing a session with triplets soon. I can't wait. But what will the "power of three" be like?? HA!
Musicals are some of the most demanding productions for schools to put on. Not only must the actors remember their lines and deliver them ... they have to sing and dance too.
But Norwood High School in Norwood, MA can pull it off and has been for many years.
They start with the auditions in May and then the rehearsals run all summer long. The kids take their vacations, work their summer jobs ... (even the leads) and another actor just steps in and the rehearsals continue.
This September, the school is presenting West Side Story. We've all seen the show or the movie, or at least seen some of it. This is Romeo and Juliet set on the streets ... the mean streets of New York. And it is one of the most passionate and gritty plays too.
But it's also beautiful and delicate and intense. I just finished photographing a rehearsal and I can already tell that the audience is going to love it.
Becky is a card carrying "sun worshiper". So when she came in for her Senior portrait session recently she had the darkest tan that I have ever seen on a client ... ever. HA!
I've been photographing Becky and her family for a number of years and I love the whole bunch. But I think that they like to give me a challenge.
The one thing that I knew was that Becky would give me the "solid-look-straight-into-the lens" pose that I like to capture. This was going to be an awesome session.
I have to wait a few years for Becky's younger Sister to come in for her Senior portrait. But I'll make sure to send her some SPF 100 just to be sure ... HA!
If only I spoke Spanish as well as Pedro Marraguin [who calls himself "El Gallito de Oro" which after I translated it is "The Golden Cockerel"] spoke English. ... and his English is ... a challenge. HA!
Pedro is a Mexican performer I met when I was photographing a Mexican fiesta night event recently. His band included two other musicians and a boy who was either the relative of one of the band or a protege ... I couldn't tell. OK, I couldn't figure it out seeing that when I asked Pedro we had a language issue. [ yes, you can insert a "HA!" here ]
As you can see from the images, their clothing was colorful, tailored and had a lot of bling! The music they played was a wonderful mix of Mexican with just a touch of Texas.
The whole band moved through the crowd and serenaded us with songs that most of the crowd knew. And Pedro smiled all the time. This is happy music!
Pedro did give me his card, so let me know if you want his number. I do suggest that you speak Spanish, because as good as his English is, it's not that good ...HA!