Cherish the Corny - Cherish the Boring - Cherish Each Moment {Photographs}
Hey Dan ... are you feeling a bit down today?
Yea, a bit, I came across a few pictures of when my kids and I visited my Mom in Pennsylvania in August 2004, yes, 10 years ago. (We only got to see her a couple of times a year ... my fault)
It was just a visit. We had simple conversations, sat around and watched TV, went to visit people in town, went out for ice cream when we got bored, made hot dogs with cheese on them, looked at my Mom's tomato plants.
Five years later my Mom had died.
I think the iPhone (insert your favorite mobile device name here) camera is the greatest invention. Better than the instant camera to be sure.
I'm a professional photographer and I tell people that they should shoot a billion pictures a year with their phones, save them to hard drives and put them in a safe ..."But Dan, I'll never look at them, it's a waste ... they'll just sit there"
Yep, they'll just sit there until one day ... ten years ... twenty years from now you or your kids or grand kids will pull them out and get to see the exact moment when you were younger and they were too.
The moments do rush by - they do blur and they do fade away. But a photograph waits patiently for you until you need it so that you might hold those precious memories in your heart once again.