Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The Girls
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Guardian of the Pumpkin Patch
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Ray Ray
Thursday, October 26, 2006

And parents wonder why the kids stuff as much candy as they can into their bodies before they get home from Halloweening.
Come to think of it, I used to eat a one pound chocolate Easter Bunny before church ... no wonder I felt so sick
Soon the stores will be in the holiday spirit. Stay happy and forget all your troubles
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Look behind
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Two People that I Admire

My children were born considerate and caring. But after all they are brother and sister, so publicly they hate each other. But without any fanfare they are persuing their careers. My son (the hockey player/teacher/science wiz) is in grad school studying to be a nurse practitioner and my daugher (the actress/hockey player/redhead) is in Europe studying acting.
Do it without a fanfare. That's what they taught me. Make a difference, persue your dreams, give a gift that is so deeply special that the recipient is speechless. The fanfare is such a waste of time and energy. All it gets you is false adoration. which is something both of them steer clear of.
I hope that the fanfare finds them, I'd like them to have it all. The money, the fame, the cover of Newsweek. But they'll avoid the press conference I'll bet.
Monday, October 23, 2006
A Race for the Cure
Recently I was asked to photograph the Susan B Komen - Race for a Cure which was held at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. It's a 3K road race where the focus is on raising the awareness of breast cancer.
After picking up my official tee shirt, I headed to the survior's tent. The closer I got, the more excited I felt ...there was a familar smell in the air ...Coffee ...Starbucks coffee. This was going to be a good day! Wait a minute, I wasn't there for the coffee...OK, I'll just have a cup (or three) and then get back to work. Which I did.
As I was walking around the tent I saw such a sea of pink. Hats, wigs and of course the pink tee shirts worn by the survivors. I came across this couple. He was pinning on her number for the race and they were laughing a bit because he was doing such a bad job.
After talking with them for a few minutes about the day and the cause, and the coffee... I said that I had to get going and I told the woman that I hope she wins ... with out missing a beat, the husband leaned over to his wife and giving her a hug said.."We already did"...
and that was the last time I made that mistake ...that day anyway
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Nikon Hat
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Grace is a lost art. But this is it.
It's quiet and slow,
and soft and comforting
and calming.
Grace makes us strong because it takes the time to tell us
to be kind and caring.
Grace is such a lost art.
Make grace ... not war
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Roses are red and pink and blue

I still have them. Each day they wither a bit more.
I'm doing what I can to keep them alive, but I'm not God you know.
Roses are red and pink and white and blue. And like us all, one day they will die.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
The Actor's not Dead

I am currently photographing a theatrical production of EVITA. If you don't know the story, it follows the life of Eva Perón, who rose to power in Argentina as the wife of President Juan Perón.
In the end Eva dies and becomes immortal in the eyes of her adoring fans.
During the production I noticed that members of the audience were crying. It is so sad to see a life wither away. It is a credit to a theatrical production that can actually pull the audience in so deeply that it becomes real.
Why are you crying?
It's not over yet
The show's just started
The actor's not dead
You'll soon feel much better
The music will swell
There's a scene when it happens
It will be easy to tell
The actor dies later
It gets dark and she's alone
Everyone's left her
She sits and just passes away
Monday, August 28, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006

Yes, this is Skippy; the dog.
My pal. Skippy was always smiling ... Actually this is fairly serious pose for Skippy.
Skippy is no longer with us.
Years ago, when I was just a wee pup myself, there was another Skippy. He was the original Skippy. I still remember the day my Dad took Skippy to the vet for one last visit. I was numb as we said goodbye, as I watched the car pull away.
But this time it was my turn. If you've never taken that drive, that last drive to the vet with your pal, your Skippy. It's beyond words. Walking up to the door of the animal hospital, the same door that Skippy had gone through so many times before. The young Vet tech behind the counter with a cheery " and hows Skippy doing today?" and then she checks the book and she just looks away...
Skippy was always smiling, he gave me a great smile when we said good-bye that day
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Cold Dark Deep and Wide
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Patriotism - in the flesh

The photo is part of a series of photos that I took of a fife and drum group called The Colonial Boys at a Memorial Day celebration held at the town cemetary.
The group has been performing for over 50 years. I remember trying to find their WEB site ...there is none, then I Google'd the name listings. Now that's frustrating.
So on the Fourth of July there they were again, marching in the parade. So I gave them some of the photos that I had taken of them and asked if they wanted more taken. "Maybe, ... but probably not"
It's funny, they've never called. I think they say what they want to with their presence at town events and that's enough.
Patriotism is a quiet thing. Kind of like one's religion. Some stand on the street corners with your American flag ties and tell the world how patriotic they are ...while othere just stand with their flags and be proud.
I like this photo, it hangs in my living room, right next to the 11x14s of my kids
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
In the Eye of the Beholder

I have zero talent for drawing. Not even in the eye of the beholder. No, my Mother did not put my "artwork" on the fridge.
It appears that my Daughter on the other hand does have talent. This is a painting that she did at college in her set painting class. (she's a theater major) It measures about five feet tall by three feet wide and hangs in my home office.
I had heard about this when she was doing the painting, but come on, you don't really think your kid is going to produce a mammoth piece of art like this. And it looks like real objects and people.
How many talents do we all have hiding ...untapped. The un-discovered plethora of abilities. OK, so writing is not a talent of mine either ...I'll make a list.
C ya
Monday, July 31, 2006
Suzie's Tomato

My speciality is photographing people and events.
Nobody said nothin' about taking pictures of veggies and fruit...OK!
But there I was, staring at this tomato on my friend's kitchen counter. "Look at it" I said to my self, "It's ...beautiful, the way the light plays on it's red skin" I continued in my mind.
What's this? I knife? "Oh, no ... Don't cut it" I shouted ... in my mind
So I grabbed it and took it back to the safety of my studio. Where it is now immortilized on film.
Safely immortilized, I promptly got out a big honkin' knife, sliced it and had me a fine salad.
You know, if I can perfect this fruit and vegetable rescue I may never have to shop again.
C ya
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
That's My Boy

I shouldn't be surprised, after all he got his brains from his Mother.
A couple of months ago my son graduated with a degree in Bio-Medical Science with a minor in Chemistry and Psychology.
Yea, pretty heavy. Now he is headed off to Med School. Gotta love it.
Too many times I'd be casually walking into the family room to spend a little quality time with my Wife and Son and they'd be watching the Surgery Channel ... "Oh look how they are cutting through the bone...and there's hardly no blood..." Yea, I don't think so.
But look at that face...that's my boy.
He is a wicked good drummer ... so I've that going for me.
C ya.
PS. remember what Mark Twain said : If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything" ... I can do that
Sunday, July 23, 2006

My favorite model is SK8rGurl. Over the years I've photographed her more times than I can remember. OK, it's been 12,693 times, approximately.
This photo is from a series I shot in our driveway a few years ago and it is one of my all time favorites.
I once read that even the greatest photographers are often awed by the photos that they have taken. The joke is that someone must have stolen their camera and took the photo.
For me, this is one of those photos.
BTW - What would you do differently today, if you knew that you couldn't fail?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
The Eyes Have It

Where does innocence live?
I think it's in the eyes of a child.
These photos are from a series I did entitled "Christmas in their Eyes".
It's no wonder that we look into one's eyes to see them more clearly.
What a shame that our innocence is lost. I'm just glad that we have our children to remind us of just how much we've lost.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The Moment - that moment

Hey! don't look at the camera, it's gotta be un-posed, natural ...OK, that's good, now hold that un-posed ...pose.
I want to be noticed, I want to be elected, I want to be a PHOTOJOURNALIST. Because there is no greater title that can bestowed upon one-who-holds-camera-to-face and yells "Say Cheese". So, I wanna be a photo... you know.
Recently I applied to go to the Eddie Adams Workshop. This is one of the ultimate gettogethers for photographers. They choose 100 photographers that have less than three years working as a pro and they couple them with 150 industry gurus. With a focus on photojournalism I knew that this was going to be a life changing experience for me. I was so pumped. I thought that I had chosen my best stuff for the portfolio, I paid my application fee, lined up an objective reference to say all the right stuff, sent it all in and waited. I didn't get in.
I am disappointed. I'll try again next year. Hey, this was just my first real rejection, with many more to come. .. So, I've got that going for me. But they still saw my stuff. As un-photojournalistic as it was.
Best regards from your Photojournalist one-who-holds-camera-to face and yells "Say Cheese" Friend. Bus
When you come to the fork in the road of life, just don't stand there and waste time. Remember, if you really screw up, you can call your friends and they will lead you back.
-You often find your fate on the road you take to avoid it-
Monday, July 17, 2006
Flowers for Al and Ron

I am amazed how many people would prefer a photo of a flower or a tomato than an 11X14 of one of my kids. Go figure. And the kids are so cute too.
A couple of days ago I went looking for some color in the world and I came upon a bed of pansies. (forgive me if these aren't pansies) There were so many of them. It was a sea of color. That's all I got to say about that.
Oh, and who is "Al and Ron"? Well, it all goes back to a book/movie that I had to read/watch which made me feel quite uncomfortable as a teenager. That's all I got to say about that.
Stay focused young Skywalker, may the force be with ya kid
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Catching Up with Time

The world moves so fast. Actually it's time that is moving so fast and if we take the time to enjoy the moments I doubt that we'll miss them so much. (note to self ...HEY listen to yourself!)
Without a doubt, one of the best judges of what the situation requires is the President of the company that is my day job. ( Pictured here hugging one of my co-workers). I took this photo at an event where my co-worker was getting an award. All of the "hand shakers" were dutifully shaking his hand ... "great job" and "You da man" etc. The President jumped up from his seat and grabbed my co-worker and with a theatrical /comic gesture(and a smile)gave him a big hug. We all laughed and applauded.
A dinner followed and I asked him about the hug. He said "Bus-man" ...that's what he calls me, "I live each moment as completely as I can and I don't care what people think of me". Luckily before I laughed, I saw in his eyes that he was dead serious. I know, it was a cliche'thing for him to say. But in the humor of the hug and the smile on his and my co-worker's face we all saw the most truthful moment of the evening.
I can learn from that.
Time rushes, it soon blurs and we forget. Photos allow us to catch up and remember
See ya
Friday, July 14, 2006
A Fourth of July

Well you know, if it's going to rain, don't let it rain on the Fourth of July. Actually it did turn out to be a great day. The sun was out in the morning for the kids parade, then it rained buckets ... and just when we thought that the afternoon parade was going to be a bust ... the rain stopped. I guess God is a Patriot after all.
I shoot a lot of photos of kids like this one at the kids parade. They don't seen to worry about how their hair looks or what people will think. This kid just give me that "I look good in this hat " look. It was either that or ... "I can't believe Mom made me wear this ... what will they think of me at daycare when they see this picture" .
Each year the town holds a decorated baby carriage/tricycle/bicycle/wagon etc. parade. This was the first year that I went and of course brought the camera. The decorations you see are a bit like the way kids dress up for Halloween. There were some with a flag attached to their baseball cap and then there are others that a very competitive Mom worked on for weeks. Poor kids had bows and flowers and face paint and streamers and , well just imagine the Rose Bowl floats.
The parade later in the day was great too. There were floats with the winning kids baseball teams, a heck of a lot of military (tanks and guns etc), politicians and marching bands. It really is a very "townee" event. Just the way it should be.
You can see all the photos from the 4th of July parades, the Fireworks the night before and many other events on my WEB site - Just go to the clients page and type in "July "
I gotta get back to work.
Remember- Words are like weapons, they wound sometimes - Cher
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Getting started

I'm a photographer, a musician and a very proud father. Oh and I have a day job.
I try to capture a classic candid look in my photos. Lots of photographers have the posed look down to a science. I'll leave it to them.
I hope to post a few pictures everyday. God knows, I have thousands of them. I hope that you like them and that you let me know what you think of them.
Best of luck. Remember - There is no limit to what you can do if you follow the rules of the heart