Well you know, if it's going to rain, don't let it rain on the Fourth of July. Actually it did turn out to be a great day. The sun was out in the morning for the kids parade, then it rained buckets ... and just when we thought that the afternoon parade was going to be a bust ... the rain stopped. I guess God is a Patriot after all.
I shoot a lot of photos of kids like this one at the kids parade. They don't seen to worry about how their hair looks or what people will think. This kid just give me that "I look good in this hat " look. It was either that or ... "I can't believe Mom made me wear this ... what will they think of me at daycare when they see this picture" .
Each year the town holds a decorated baby carriage/tricycle/bicycle/wagon etc. parade. This was the first year that I went and of course brought the camera. The decorations you see are a bit like the way kids dress up for Halloween. There were some with a flag attached to their baseball cap and then there are others that a very competitive Mom worked on for weeks. Poor kids had bows and flowers and face paint and streamers and , well just imagine the Rose Bowl floats.
The parade later in the day was great too. There were floats with the winning kids baseball teams, a heck of a lot of military (tanks and guns etc), politicians and marching bands. It really is a very "townee" event. Just the way it should be.
You can see all the photos from the 4th of July parades, the Fireworks the night before and many other events on my WEB site www.danbuslerphotography.com - Just go to the clients page and type in "July "
I gotta get back to work.
Remember- Words are like weapons, they wound sometimes - Cher