The world moves so fast. Actually it's time that is moving so fast and if we take the time to enjoy the moments I doubt that we'll miss them so much. (note to self ...HEY listen to yourself!)
Without a doubt, one of the best judges of what the situation requires is the President of the company that is my day job. ( Pictured here hugging one of my co-workers). I took this photo at an event where my co-worker was getting an award. All of the "hand shakers" were dutifully shaking his hand ... "great job" and "You da man" etc. The President jumped up from his seat and grabbed my co-worker and with a theatrical /comic gesture(and a smile)gave him a big hug. We all laughed and applauded.
A dinner followed and I asked him about the hug. He said "Bus-man" ...that's what he calls me, "I live each moment as completely as I can and I don't care what people think of me". Luckily before I laughed, I saw in his eyes that he was dead serious. I know, it was a cliche'thing for him to say. But in the humor of the hug and the smile on his and my co-worker's face we all saw the most truthful moment of the evening.
I can learn from that.
Time rushes, it soon blurs and we forget. Photos allow us to catch up and remember
See ya