Hey! don't look at the camera, it's gotta be un-posed, natural ...OK, that's good, now hold that un-posed ...pose.
I want to be noticed, I want to be elected, I want to be a PHOTOJOURNALIST. Because there is no greater title that can bestowed upon one-who-holds-camera-to-face and yells "Say Cheese". So, I wanna be a photo... you know.
Recently I applied to go to the Eddie Adams Workshop. This is one of the ultimate gettogethers for photographers. They choose 100 photographers that have less than three years working as a pro and they couple them with 150 industry gurus. With a focus on photojournalism I knew that this was going to be a life changing experience for me. I was so pumped. I thought that I had chosen my best stuff for the portfolio, I paid my application fee, lined up an objective reference to say all the right stuff, sent it all in and waited. I didn't get in.
I am disappointed. I'll try again next year. Hey, this was just my first real rejection, with many more to come. .. So, I've got that going for me. But they still saw my stuff. As un-photojournalistic as it was.
Best regards from your Photojournalist one-who-holds-camera-to face and yells "Say Cheese" Friend. Bus
When you come to the fork in the road of life, just don't stand there and waste time. Remember, if you really screw up, you can call your friends and they will lead you back.
You often find your fate on the road you take to avoid it-