Sunday, April 08, 2012

Chrissi & John {Engagement} in the North End

For Chrissi and John's Love Story Engagement session we headed to the cozy streets of Boston's famous North End. It was the perfect backdrop for some fun and relaxing and totally romantic shots of this incredible couple.

John is a born and bred Boston boy and Chrissi is from a small town in Minnesota ( "don't cha know"). They met while at a conference and I guess you could say the rest is history.

The North End is the hub of Boston's Italian community. Every restaurant is fabulous ... each coffee shop boasts better coffees and pastries than the next. And the streets are filled with tradition and surprises.

It was a cold and grey day in Boston so I wasn't sure if Chrissi would want to shed her coat for some of the shots and I had no idea where she would find a place to change into her other outfit.

We photographed everywhere - the city streets, the alleys and the parks. And everywhere we went the images were just beautiful. But where will Chrissi get changed?  Then Chrissi's phone rang, it was a friend ... of a friend who lived in the North End and had heard that she was there.  She could change into her other outfit at his place!.  John (you remember John?  HA!)  and I were relieved!  Life is good.

We had a nice break in a warm apartment while Chrissi changed and then we were off again to explore.

Now, if you're wondering .. how does a Boston "townie" and sweet girl from Minnesota find each other and fall in love ?   Well, you'll just have to ask the President ... yes, of the United States. He knows, but my guess is that he can keep their secrets ...