Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010 - Norwood MA - Busler

The Memorial Day celebration in Norwood MA is based around family - we remember the family that has died and those who are with us.

The parade which begins at 10:00AM is simple and not overly "military". The cub scouts and girl scouts march, the fire fighters and police department honor guards, the Norwood High Marching Band, the Colonial Boys fife and drum band ... and we honor the veterans, the retired and active duty

"Honor" is a good word for it too in my opinion. You see, we know everyone in a small community such as ours. The young soliders ... marching in their uniforms were (it seems) just on the high school ice hockey team and here they are in miltary uniforms.

Memorial Day for the childern is a holiday, a day when Mommy and Daddy are home from work. But for some, we pause and remember the Mommies and Daddys that didn't come home.